BCBA Studio is directed by John A. Clark, Marcus Baumgart and Nick Barker. Established in 2013, the Studio provides architectural design and consulting services to select clients.
The practice has permanent studios in Melbourne and Canberra, Australia and bases in Sydney, Brisbane, Warrnambool and London.
Our team is comprised of registered architects, graduates of architecture & graduates of design. We do projects in Australia and the United Kingdom.
John A. Clark - Director
Marcus Baumgart - Director
• Marcus is writing a book! Check it out here. It is just one of several side projects.
Nicholas Barker - Director
Nicole Franziska Darawshi - Studio Manager
Kirsten McEwan - Associate
Hiệp Nguyễn - Associate
Tommy Reeves - Registered Architecture (UK)
Lucy Thomas - Graduate of Architecture
Ashleigh Cook - Graduate of Architecture
Liana Mezzalira - Graduate of Bachelor of Design
Zoe Collins - Graduate of Bachelor of Design
Blake Lane - Student of Architecture