Socially Sustainable Design
In pursuit of a sustainable social and community-focused practice, we work in education; aged care; community, public, affordable and social housing; crisis accommodation and Youth Foyers; public, community and government buildings; and with religious buildings. We work for numerous not-for profits, as well as private and commercial clients. The common thread through our projects is that we shape them in the service of people – individuals, smaller groups and the broader community.
We provide full-service architectural and interior design consulting from concept formulation and strategic masterplanning, all the way through your project to the end of construction.
We have a uniquely hands-on approach to our work. We always tell people we ‘listen first and draw later’. This is a philosophy based on the skill of active listening before acting.
We acknowledge the authority of our clients and understand that there are always things they know that we need to learn. Our role is to translate this knowledge and need into solutions, through effective communication and skilled design.
We design and masterplan for early learning, primary education, secondary education and university clients.
Everyone deserves a home. We do lots of work in the social, community and affordable housing sectors.
We specialise in core and cluster models, and other forms of crisis accommodation.
Youth Foyers are a core part of our expertise. This assisted accommodation type is very effective, and we are proud to be a part of the solution to youth housing.
We number many non-profit clients in our portfolio, and we understand the specific governance and funding challenges of the non-profit social services sector.
We design and masterplan for aged care facilities, both new facilities and adaptation and upgrades of existing and legacy facilities.
We occasionally undertake residential projects for select clients. This architectural type is a great test bed for design ideas and innovation.
We have worked with all levels of government in Australia, from local to Commonwealth. We have worked across types, from public housing to municipal and shire offices, and community centres to office interiors.
We enjoy working with communities with values, and religious and spiritual groups often have a distinctive set of values. We embrace the needs of our clients in this sector and help them to realise their aspirations for their communities.
We are not conservation architects, but we have deep expertise in the adaptation and re-purposing of heritage structures and buildings. This is both a technical and design challenge.
Youth Foyers: Download the Ideas Paper
We are specialists in Youth Foyer design. For a copy of our publication on Youth Foyer Design Ideas, use the form on this page.